Missioni Consolata - Giugno 2020
ssier (18) Secondo la stessa ricerca, in Thailandia lo sviluppo sarà di 28,7 nel 2020 e di 81,1 nel 2040; in Cambogia di 6,6 miliardi USD nel 2020 e di 12,0 nel 2040; in Vietnam di 16,0 miliardi USD nel 2020 e di 31,7 nel 2040. (19) Mekong River Commission, Integrated Water Resources Management-based - Basin Development Strategy 2016-2020 for the Lower Mekong Basin , Capitolo 2 - Development trends and long-termoutlook, §2.3 - Economic, social and environmental trends and outlook, pag. 30. (20) Ibidem, The Council Study, The Study on the Sustainable Management and Development of the Mekong River Basin, in- cluding Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Projects , Capitolo 7 - Main scenario impact assessment results, § Cross-sec- tor comparison, 26 dicembre 2017, pag. 25. (21) A causa delle dighe numerose tratte fluviali oggi non sono più coperte dai barconi. (22) Lao Department of Energy Policy and Planning Mini- stry of Energy and Mines, Lao PDR Energy Statistics 2018 , ERIA Research Project Report 2018, Maggio 2018, Capitolo 2 - Energy Balance Table § Electricity, n. 19, Febbraio 2020, pag. 31. (23) Ibidem, The Council Study, The Study on the Sustainable Management and Development of the Mekong River Basin , in- cluding Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Projects, Ca- pitolo 7-Main scenario impact assessment results, § Assessment tier 1: Sector-specific assessment, 26 dicem- bre 2017, pag. 21. (24) Il 15% del riso prodotto nel mondo proviene dal ba- cino del basso Mekong. (25) Ibidem, The Council Study, The Study on the Sustainable Management and Development of the Mekong River Basin, in- cluding Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Projects , Capitolo 7-Main scenario impact assessment results, § Asses- sment tier 1: Sector-specific assessment, 26 dicembre 2017, pag. 23. (26) Ibidem, The Council Study, The Study on the Sustainable Management and Development of the Mekong River Basin, in- cluding Impacts of Mainstream Hydropower Projects , Capitolo 7-Main scenario impact assessment results, § Asses- sment tier 1: Sector-specific assessment, 26 dicembre 2017, pag. 22. (27) La diga di Don Sahong è costruita dalla malese Mega- First in joint venture con il governo laotiano. (28) Pratch Rujivanarom, Special Report: Compensation talks begin for dam disaster victims , The Nation, 18 February 2019. (29) Vientiane Times, Investigators: Dam collapse not a «force majeure» event , 29 May 2019. (30) Le banche, tutte thailandesi, sono la Krung Thai Bank, l’Ayudhya Bank, la Thanachart Bank e la Export- Import Bank of Thailand. (31) https://laotiantimes.com/2018/09/13/laos-pm-thon- gloun-confirms-hydropower-generation-policy/ (32) Lao News Agency, Laos Expects to Have100 Hydropower Plants by 2020 , 6 Luglio 2017. (33) Lao Department of Energy Policy and Planning Mini- stry of Energy and Mines, Lao PDR Energy Outlook 2020 , Note al testo (1) https://laotiantimes.com/2017/02/20/everything-you- need-to-know-laos-china-railway/ (2) http://www.asianews.eu/content/compensation- payments-laos-china-railway-slated-completion-2019-85946 (3) World Bank Group, Lao People’s Democratic Republic Sy- stematic Country Diagnostic, Priorities for Ending Poverty and Boosting Shared Prosperity - Capitolo 2. The nature of Lao Pdr’s growth and its constraints , pag. 11, 9 marzo 2017. (4) Radio Free Asia, Families in Oudomxay province first to receive compensation from Lao-China Railway , 14 maggio 2018. (5) https://adventureprime.com/vang-vieng-vice-guide- nightlife-drugs-girls/#Drugs (6) https://www.saelaoproject.com/ (7) http://www.eefalaos.org/ (8) Human Development Report 2019, Inequalities in Human Development in the 21st Century – Lao People’s Demo- cratic Republic , Capitolo 2 - Human Development Index (HDI) § 2.1 Lao People's Democratic Republic’s HDI value and rank, pag. 3. (9) World Bank Group, Lao People’s Democratic Republic Sy- stematic Country Diagnostic, Priorities for Ending Poverty and Boosting Shared Prosperity - Capitolo 1, Country context, Box 1: MDG attainment and LDC graduation criteria, pag. 2, 9 marzo 2017. (10) World Bank Group, Lao People’s Democratic Republic Systematic Country Diagnostic, Priorities for Ending Poverty and Boosting Shared Prosperity - Executive summary , pag. I, 9marzo 2017. (11) https://www.worldbank.org/en/country/lao/overview (12) https://www.ilo.org/asia/media- centre/news/WCMS 358225/lang--en/index.htm (13) International Labour Office (ILO), Improving the gar- ment sector in Lao PDR: Compliance through inspection and dialogue - Independent final evaluation , giugno 2017. (14) Il corso del Mekong è stato diviso in due bacini: l’Alto e il Basso bacino che complessivamente occupano una re-gione di 795mila chilometri quadrati. L’Alto bacino è l’area del fiume che scorre solo in territorio cinese per 1.995 km in tre diverse regioni: Tibet, i Tre Fiumi e il Ba- cino di Lancang e occupa il 25% dell’intero bacino. (15) Jorge Soutullo, The Mekong River: geopolitics over deve-lopment, hydropower and the environment , Capitolo 4 – Geo-graphical relevance and natural resources of the Mekong River, European Parliament - Policy Department for Exter-nal Relations, Novembre 2019, pag. 18. (16) La Mekong River Commission (Commissione sul fiume Mekong) è un organismo transnazionale che comprende i governi di Laos, Thailandia, Cambogia e Vietnam per coor-dinare e promuovere uno sviluppo sostenibile del Mekong. (17) Mekong River Commission, The Council Study, The Study on the Sustainable Management and Development of the Mekong River Basin, including Impacts of Mainstream Hy- dropower Projects , Capitolo 7-Main scenario impact asses- sment results, § Assessment tier 1: Sector-specific assessment, 26 dicembre 2017, pag. 21.